Pricing plan
reaaaally simple.

We hate overly complex pricing plans.
So we decided to change the rule.
No bullshit here.


Unlimited users
1 social network
10 scheduling /month
Basic analytics
Start for free
save 26%
Unlimited users
Unlimited pieces of contents
Unlimited analytics
Unlimited teams
Start 7 days trial
save 15%
Unlimited users
Unlimited pieces of contents
Unlimited analytics
Unlimited teams
Start 7 days trial

Unlimited users
Unlimited pieces of contents
Unlimited analytics
Unlimited teams
Start 7 days trial

Why are their prices so "cheap"?

That’s a good question. Thanks for asking it.
The answer is pretty simple, as you’ll see.

First reason, we decided to create traack after having experienced the pain to create content at scale ourselves.
This means that we first developed this tool to help us, not to make money.
Yep, money is cool (we love money) but helping people to solve their problems is even cooler.
So, our drive is not about making a loooooot of money, but to help other content creators like us.

Second reason, there's no need to have big pricing to create a big business. Just require a lot of happy users.
So our strategy is to help more and more users to achieve their goals.
Create content that makes them proud, happy, and generates money.
Our real goal is to empower content creators.

Lastly, we always do what we shouldn't (seriously).
Everyone told us that traack is an amazing product and that we should charge more. That people would be willing to pay. It's true but… simply, we don't want to.


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